
Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning is when groups of students work together to search for understanding, meaning, or solutions or to create an artifact or product of their 

Click HERE to access the Collaboration Rubric

Click HERE to access the Team Agreement

Click HERE for the Project Management Log 

Team building Challenge #1

You will have 30 minutes to create a Google Sildes presentation of your team. Objective: introduce your personality and professional strengths.

-Title slide, with all team member's names
-1 slide per person (you may NOT type anything for your own slide) 
-Each slide must contain at least 1 graphic
-All graphics and colors must be representative of the person being discussing
-Slides must contain 2 personal characteristics 
-Slides must contain 2 professional strengths- quoted/cited from the Collaboration Rubric 
-During the presentation of your slides neither the person whose slide is being shared or the person who typed it may speak

Post a link to your GoogleSlide presentation in 30 minutes...Go! 

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